Welcome at the Institute of Pathological Physiology!
The Institute of Pathological Physiology is one of the teaching and research departments of the First Faculty of Medicine.
It guarantees the teaching of the compulsory subject Pathological Physiology for the medical students in the 3rd year, both for General Medicine and Dentistry Programs including the programs in English language. Together with the Institute of Pathology it participates in the teaching of non-medical programs of the Faculty.
The scientific activity of the Institute is basic biomedical research. It is performed by several research groups and it includes large field of experimental hematology – study of stem cells, transcription control, experimental therapy of malignancies, iron metabolism.
Other topics include proteomics and mathematical modelling of (patho)physiological functions and nervous system.
The Institute offers postgraduate study in most of these fields.
Lecture on 7th October, the students of General medicine will have lecture in a small lecture hall of the Institute of Anatomy not in the place in Lecture Room (U Nemocnice 4).