Laboratory of Interaction of Cells with Nanomaterials - Publications


Chapters in monographies

B. Rezek, M. Krátká, E. Ukraintsev, O. Babchenko, A. Kromka, A. Brož, M. Kalbacova: Diamond as functional material for bioelectronics and biotechnology In: “New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applications” Intech, pp. 177-196, 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-448-1.

Hubálek Kalbáčová M. Transport Of Biomolecules Into Cells. 2015, In D. Smejkalova, & K. Nesporova, Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems (pp. 99-132). ISBN 978-80-260-7611-7



Reznickova A., Lacmanova V., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Hausild P., Nohava J., Kolska Z., Kutova A., Slepicka P., As-deposited and dewetted Cu layers on plasma treated glass: adhesion study and its effect on biological response, Applied Surface Science Advances, 24, 100639, 2024, IF – 7.5

Nguyenova H. Y., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Dendisova M., Sikorova M., Jarolimkova J., Kolska Z., Ulrychova L., Weber J., Reznickova A., Stability and biological response of PEGylated gold nanoparticles, Heliyon, 10, e30601, 2024, IF – 4.0



Lasocka I., Skibniewska E., Skibniewski M., Szulc-Dabrowska L, Jastrzebska E., Pasternak I., Sitek J., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Graphene monolayer as an appropriate substrate for mesenchymal stem cells support in regenerative medicine. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 61, p 235-243, 2023, IF – 0.944

Jonas F., Kesa P., Paral P.k Pankrac J., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Miletin J., Sukop A., Molitor M., Stanek K., Sefc L., Mestak O., The Effect of Vascular Endothelial Growthg Factor C and Adipose-Derived Stem Cells on Lymphatic Regeneration in a Rat Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer Model,  Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 30(09), 311-319, 2023, IF - 2.329




Bělinová T., Javorová P., Nguyenová H. J., Řezníčková A., Humlová Z., Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Ultra-small gold nanoparticles with mild immunomodulatory activity as potential tool for bio-applications., Folia Biologica, 68, 142-152, 2022, IF – 1.167


Lasocka I., Jastrzębska E., Zuchowska A., Skibniewska E., Skibniewski M., Szulc-Dąbrowska L., Pasternak I., Sitek J., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Graphene 2D platform is safe and cytocompatibile for HaCaT cells growing under static and dynamic conditions, Nanotoxicology, 16, 5 , 610-628, 2022, IF - 5.881

Váňová J., Číhařová B., Hejtmánková A., Epperla C.H., Škvára P, Forstová J., Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Španielová H.,VirPorters: Insights into the action of cationic and histidine-rich cell-penetrating peptides, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 611,121308, 2022, IF – 5.875




Šugár P., Ludrovcová B, Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Šugárová J, Sahul M, Kováčik J., Laser Surface Modification of Powder Metallurgy-Processed Ti-Graphite Composite Which Can Enhance Cells’ Osteo-Differentiation, Materials, 14, 6067, 2021 , IF – 3.623

Ju X, Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Šmíd B., Johánek V., Janata M., Dinhová T. N., Bělinová T., Mazur M., Vorokhta M., Strnad L., Poly(acrylic acid)-mediated synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles with variable oxidation state and their effect on regulating intracellular ROS level, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 9, 7386, 2021, IF - 6.331

Tonarova P., Lochovska K., Pytlik R., Hubalek Kalbacova M., The impact of various culture conditions on human mesenchymal stromal cells metabolism, Stem Cells International, 6659244, 2021, IF – 3.869

Lasocka I., Szulc-Dabrowska L., Skibniewski M., Skibniewska E., Gregorczyk-Zboroch K., Pasternak I., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Cytocompatibility of graphene monolayer and its impact on focal cell adhesion, mitochondrial morphology and activity in BALB/3T3 fibroblasts, 2021, Materials, 14(3), 643, IF – 3,057



· Inoue A., Sugimoto H., Sugimoto Y., Akamatsu K., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Ogino C., Fujii M., Stable Near-Infrared Photoluminescence from Silicon Quantum Dot–Bovine Serum Albumin Composite. In Press in MRS Communications, 2020, IF – 1.997

· Ju X., Fučíková A., Šmíd B., Nováková J., Matolínová I.,Matolín V., Janata M., Bělinová T., Hubálek Kalbáčová M.. Colloidal Stability and Catalytic Activity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Cell Culture Media. 2020, RSC Advances, 10, 39373, IF- 3.119

· Machova I., Hubalek M., Belinova T., Fucikova A., Stehlik S., Rezek B., Hubalek Kalbacova M., The bio-chemically selective interaction of hydrogenated and oxidized ultra-small nanodiamonds with proteins and cells. 2020, Carbon,162, 650-661, IF – 8.821

· Bělinová, T.; Machová, I.; Beke, D.; Fučíková, A.; Gali, A.; Humlová, Z.; Valenta, J.; Hubálek Kalbáčová, M. Immunomodulatory Potential of Differently-Terminated Ultra-Small Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, doi:10.3390/nano10030573., IF - 4.034

· Vanova J., Hejtmankova A., Zackova Suchanova J., Sauerova P., Forstova J., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Spanielova H.,Influence of cell-penetrating peptides on the activity and stability of virus-based nanoparticles, Int. Journal of Pharmaceutics, 576, 119008, 2020, IF - 4.213


· Vanova J., Hejtmankova A., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Spanielova H., The Utilization of Cell-Penetrating Peptides in the Intracellular Delivery of Viral Nanoparticles, Materials, 12, 2671,2019, IF – 2.972

· Sauerova P., Suchy T., Supova M., Bartos M., Klima J., Juhasova J., Juhas S., Kubikova T., Tonar Z. Sedlacek R., Piola M., Soncini M., Fiore G. G.,Soncini M., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Positive impact of dynamic seeding of mesenchymal stem cells on bone-like biodegradable scaffolds with increased content of calcium phosphate nanoparticles, Molecular Biology Reports, 46,4483-4500, 2019, IF - 2.107

· Suchý T., Šupová M., Sauerová P., Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Eva Klapková, Marek Pokorný, Lukáš Horný, Jan Závora, Rastislav Ballay, František Denk, Martin Sojka, Lucie Vištejnová, Evaluation of collagen/hydroxyapatite electrospun layers loaded with vancomycin, gentamicin and their combination: comparison of release kinetics, antimicrobial activity and cytocompatibility, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 140, 50-59, 2019, IF – 4.708

· Lasocka I., Jastrzebska E., Szulc-Dąbrowskac L., Skibniewskid M., Pasternake I, Hubalek Kalbacova M., Skibniewska E.M. The effects of graphene and mesenchymal stem cells in cutaneous wound healing and their putative action mechanism, in press in Journal of Nanomedicine, 2019, IF – 4,370


· Pislova M., Hubalek Kalbacova M.,Vrabcova L., Slepicka P., Kolska Z., Svorcik V., Preparation of noble nanoparticles by sputtering – their characterization, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biosructures, 13, 1035-1044, 2018, IF – 0.673

· Reznickova, A., Slavikova N., Kolska, Z., Kolarova K., Belinova T., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Cieslar M., Svorcik V., PEGylated gold nanoparticles: Stability, cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity, Colloids and Surfaces A 560, 26-34, 2019, IF – 2.829

· Kubikova T., Bartos M., Juhas S., Suchy T., Sauerova P., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Tonar Z., Comparison of ground sections, parraffin sections and micro-CT imaging of bone from the epiphysis of the porcine femur for morphometric evaluation, in press in Annals of Anatomy, 2018, IF – 1,852

· Pawlik A., Socha R. P., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Sulka G. D., Surface modification of nanoporous anodic titanium dioxide layers for drug delivery systems and enhanced SAOS-2 cell response,Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces, 2018, 171:58-66, IF – 3,997

· Belinova, T., Vrabcova, L., Machova, I., Fucikova A., Valenta J., Sugimoto H., Fujii M., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Silicon quantum dots and thier impact on different human cells, in press in Physica Status Solidi (b), 2018, IF – 1.674

· Bartos, M., Suchy T., Tonar Z., Foltan R, Hubalek Kalbacova M., Micro-CT in tissue engineering scaffolds designed for bone regeneration: principles and application, in press in Ceramics-silikáty, 2018, IF – 0.439

· Jirik M., Bartos M. , Tomasek P., Maleckova A., Kural T., Horakova J., Lukas D., Suchy T., Kochova P., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Kralickova M., Tonar Z., Generating standardized image data for testing and calibrating quantification of volumes, surfaces, lengths and object counts in fibrous and porous materials using X-ray microtomography, in press in Microscopy Reasearch and Technique, 2018, IF – 1.147

· Suchy T., Supova M., Bartos M., Sedlacek R., Piola M., Soncini M., Fiore G. G., Sauerova P., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Dry versus hydrated collagen scaffolds: are dry states representative of hydrated states? Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Medicine, 2018, 29:20 IF - 2.325


· Herynkova K., Simakova P., Cibulka O., Fucikova A., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Hydrophilic Luminescent Silicon nanoparticles in steric colloidal solutions: Their size, agglomeration and toxicity, Physica Status Solidi C, 170195, 2017

· Sauerova P., Pilgrova T., Pekar M., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Hyaluronic acid in complexes with surfactants reduces their cytotoxic effect on human cell types, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,103:1276-1284, 2017 – IF – 3.138

· Verdanova M., Sauerova P., Hempel U., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Initial cell adhesion of three cell types in the presence and absence of serum proteins Histochemistry and Cell Biology,148:273-288, 2017 – IF – 2.78

· Suchý T., Šupová M., Klapková E., Adámková V., Závora J., Žaloudková M., Rýglová Š., Ballay R., Denk F., Pokorný M., Sauerová P., Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Horný L.,Veselý J., Voňavková T., Průša R.,The Release Kinetics, Antimicrobial Activity and Cytocompatibility of Differently Prepared Collagen/Hydroxyapatite/Vancomycin Layers: Microstructure vs. Nanostructure, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100:219-229, 2017 – IF 3,773

· Broz A, Ukraintsev E., Kromka A., Rezek B., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Osteoblast adhesion, migration and proliferation variations on chemically patterned nanocrystalline diamond films evaluated by live-cell imaging. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 105, 1469-1478, 2017 – IF 3,263


· Ostrovska L., Broz A., Fucikova A., Belinova T., Sugimoto H., Kanno T., Fujii M.,Valenta J., Hubalek Kalbacova M., The impact of doped silicon quantum dots on human osteoblasts, RSC Advances, 6, 63403, 2016, IF 3,289

· Verdanova M., Rezek B., Broz A., Ukraintsev E., Babchenko O., Artemenko A., Izak T., Kromka A., Kalbac M., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Nanocarbon Allotropes - Graphene and Nanocrystalline Diamond - Promote Cell Proliferation, Small, 12: 2499-2509, 2016, IF 8,315

· Ostrovska L., Vistejnova L., Dzugan J., Slama P., Kubina T., Ukraintsev E., Kubies D., Kralickova M. , Hubalek Kalbacova M., Biological evaluation of ultra-fine titanium with improved mechanical strength for dental implant engineering, Journal of Materials Science, 51: 3097-3110, 2016 – IF 2,302

2015 - 2002

· Suchy T., Supova M., Sauerova M., Verdánová M., Sucharda Z., Ryglova S., Zaloudkova M, Sedlacek R., Hubalek Kalbacova M.,The effects of different cross-linking conditions on collagen-based nanocomposite scaffolds - an in vitro evaluation using mesenchymal stem cells, Biomedical Materials,10: 065008, 2015 – IF 3,697

· Ukraintsev E, Broz A., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Kromka A., Rezek B., Stochasitc model explains formation of cell arrays on H/O diamond patterns, Biointerphases, 10 (4): 041006-1-9, 2015 – IF 3,361

· Sauerova P., Verdanova M., Mravec F., Pilgrova T., Venerova T., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Pekar M..: Hyaluronic acid, a useful modulator of the cytotoxic effects of cationic surfactants, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 493: 155-161, 2015 – IF 2,760

· Verdanova M., Pytlik R., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Evaluation of sericin as an FBS-replacing cryoprotectant during freezing of human mesenchymal stromal cells and human osteoblast-like cells, Biopreservation and Biobanking, 12: 99-105, 2014 – IF 1,34

· Fucikova A., Valenta J, Pelant M., Hubalek Kalbacova M., Broz A., Rezek B., Kromka A, Bakaeva Z.: Silicon nanocrystals and nanodiamonds in live cells: photoluminescence characteristics, cytotoxicity and interaction with cell cytoskeleton, RSC Advances, 4: 10334-10342, 2014 – IF 3,840

· Hubalek Kalbacova M., Verdanova M., Broz A., Vetushka A, Fejfar A., Kalbac M.: Modulated surface of single-layer graphene controls cell behaviour, Carbon, 72: 207-214, 2014 – IF 6,196

· Kalbacova M.., Verdanova M., Mravec F., Halasova T., Pekar M..: Effect of CTAB and CTAB in the presence of hyaluronan on selected human cell types, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,460: 204-208, 2014 – IF 2,752

· Verdanova M., Broz, A, Kalbac, M., Kalbacova M.: Influence of oxygen and hydrogen treated graphene on cell adhesion in the presence or absence of fetal bovine serum, Physica status solidi (b) 249: 2503-2506, 2012 – IF 1,489

· Kalbacova, M; Broz, A; Kalbac, M: Influence of the fetal bovine serum proteins on the growth of human osteoblast cells on graphene, J Biomed Mater Res Part A,100A: 3001-3007, 2012 – IF 2,834

· Kratka, M; Kromka, A; Ukraintsev, E; Ledinsky, M; Broz; A; Kalbacova, M; Rezek, B: Function of thin film nanocrystallihne diamond-protein SGFET independent of grain size, Sensors and Actuators B, 166-167: 239-245, 2012 – IF 3,535

· Neykova, N; Broz; A; Remes, Z; Hruska, K;Kalbacova, M; Kromka, A; Vanecek,M: ZnO hedgehog-like structures for control cell cultivation, Applied Surface Science, 258: 3485-3489, 2012 – IF 2,112

· Kalbacova, M; Broz; A; Kromka, A; Babchenko, O; Kalbac, M: Controlled oxygen plasma treatment of single-walled carbon nanotube films improves osteoblast cells attachement and enhances their proliferation, Carbon, 49: 2926-2934, 2011 –IF 5,378

· Kalbacova M., Broz A, Kong J, Kalbac M, Graphene substrates promote adherence of human osteolbasts and mesenchymal stromal cells, Carbon, 48: 4323-4329, 2010 – IF 4,504

· Rezek B., Kratka M., Kromka A., Kalbacova M., Effects of protein inter-layers on cell-diamond FET characteristics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26:1307-1312, 2010 – IF 5,361

· Jin H, Heller DA, Kalbacova M., Kim J-H, Zhang J, Boghossian AA, Maheshri N, Strano MS, Detection of single-molecule H2O2 singaling from epidermal growth factor receptor using fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes, Nature Nanotechnology, 5: 302-309, 2010 – IF 30,306

· Rezek B., Ukraintsev E., Kromka A., Ledinsky M, Broz A, Noskova L, Hartmannova H, Kalbacova M.., Assembly of osteoblastic cell micro-arrays on diamond guided by protein pre-adsorption, Diam Rel Mater, 19:153-157, 2010 – IF 1,825

· Hempel U, Hefti T, Kalbacova M., Wolf-Brandstetter C, Dieter P, Schlottig F, Response of osteoblast-like SAOS-2 cells to zirconia ceramics with different surface topographies, Clin Oral Implant Res, 21:171-181, 2010 – IF 2,92

· Kalbacova M., Rezek B, Baresova V, Wolf-Brandstetter C, Kromka A, Nanoscale topography of nanocrystalline diamonds promotes differentiation of osteoblasts, Acta Biomaterialia 5:3076-3085, 2009 - IF 3,975

· Kalbacova M., Broz A, Babchenko O, Kromka A, Study on cellular adhesion of human osteoblasts on nano-structured diamond films, Physica Status Solidi B, 246: 2774-2777, 2009 – IF 1,15

· Ukraintsev E., Rezek B, Broz A, Kalbacova M., Long-term adsorption of fetal bovine serum on H/O-terminated diamond studied in situ by atomic force microscopy, Physica Status Solidi B, 246: 2832-2835, 2009 – IF 1,15

· Babchenko O, O, Kromka A, Hruska K,Kalbacova M., Broz A, Vanecek M, Fabrication of nano-structured diamond films for SAOS-2 cell cultivation, Physica Status Solidi A, 206: 2033-2037, 2009 – IF 1,228

· Broz A, Baresova V., Kromka A, Rezek B, Kalbacova M., Strong influence of hierarchically structured diamond nanotopography on adhesion of human osteoblasts and mesenchymal cells, Physica Status Solidi A, 206: 2038-2041, 2009 – IF 1,228

· Michalikova L., Rezek b., Kromka A., Kalbacova M., CVD diamod films with hydrophilic micro-patterns for self-organisation of human osteoblasts, Vacuum 84: 61-64, 2009 – IF 0,975

· Zivna M, Hulkova H, Matignon M, Hodanova K, Vyletal P, Kalbacova M., Baresova V, Sikora J, et al. Dominant Renin Gene Mutations Associated with Early-Onset Hyperuricemia, Anemia, and Chronic Kidney Failure, Am J Hum Gen 85(2) :204-213, 2009 – IF 12,303

· Pytlik R, Stehlik D, Soukup T,Kalbacova M., Rypacek F, Trc T, Mulinkova K, Michnova P, Kideryova L, Zivny J, et al., The cultivation of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in clinical grade medium for bone tissue engineering, Biomaterials 30 : 3415-3427, 2009 – IF 7,365

· Rezek B, Michalikova L, Ukraintsev E., Kromka A., Kalbacova M., Micro-Pattern guided adhesion of osteoblasts on diamond surfaces, Sensors 9 (5):3549-3562, 2009 – IF 1,821

· Kromka A., Rezek B., Kalbacova M., Baresova V., Zemek J., Konak C., Vanecek M., Diamond seeding and growth of hierarchically structured films for tissue engineering, Adv. Eng. Mat.11:B71-B76, 2009 – IF 1,761

· Rezek B., Ukraintsev E., Michalikova L., Kromka A., Zemek J., Kalbacova M., Adsorption of fetal bovine serum on H/O-terminated diamond studied by atomic force microscopy, Diam Rel Mater 18(5-8):918-922, 2009 - IF 1,822

· Kalbacova M., Michalikova L., Baresova V., Kromka A, Rezek B, Kmoch S, Adhesion of osteoblasts on chemically patterned nanocrystalline diamonds, Physica Status Solidi B 245(10): 2124-2127, 2008 - IF 1,166

· Kalbacova M., Macak J.M., Schmidt-Stein, F., Mierke, C. T., Fabry, B., Schmuki, P., TiO2 nanotubes: Photocatalyst for cancer cell killing, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) 2: 194-196, 2008 - IF 2,147

· Kalbacova M., Spisakova M, Liskova J, Melkova Z, Lytic infection with vaccinia virus activates caspases in a bcl-2 inhibitable manner, Virus Research 135: 53-63, 2008 – IF 2,429

· Kalbacova M., Kalbac M, Dunsch L, Kromka A, Vanecek M, Rezek B, Hempel U, Kmoch S, The effect of SWCNT and nano-diamond films on human osteoblasts cells, Physica Status Solidi B 244 (11): 4356-4359, 2007 – IF 1,071

· Kalbacova M., Kalbac M, Dunsch L, Hempel U, Influence of single-walled carbon nanotube films on metabolic activity and adherence of human osteoblasts, Carbon 45:2266-2272, 2007 – IF 4,26

· Kalbacova M., Roessler S, Hempel U, et al., The effect of electrochemically simulated titanium cathodic corrosion products on ROS production and metabolic activity of osteoblasts and monocytes/macrophages, Biomaterials 28 (22): 3263-3272, 2007 – IF 6,262

· Tsaryk R, Kalbacova M., Hempel U, et al., Response of human endothelial cells to oxidative stress on Ti6Al4V alloy, Biomaterials 28 (5): 806-813, 2007 – IF 6,262

· Kalbacova M., Kalbac M, Dunsch L, et al., The study of the interaction of human mesenchymal stem cells and monocytes/macrophages with single-walled carbon nanotube films. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 243 (13): 3514-3518, 2006 – IF 0,967

· Vylet'al P, Kublova M, Kalbacova M., et al., Alterations of uromodulin biology: A common denominator of the genetically heterogeneous FJHN/MCKD syndrome, Kidney International 70 (6): 1155-1169, 2006 – IF 4,773

· Hodanova K, Majewski J, Kublova M, Vyletal P, Kalbacova M. et al., Mapping of a new candidate locus for uromodulin-associated kidney disease (UAKD) to chromosome 1q41, Kidney International 68 (4): 1472-1482, 2005 – IF 4,927

· Kalbacova M., Vrbacky M, Drahota Z, et al., Comparison of the effect of mitochondrial inhibitors on mitochondrial membrane potential in two different cell lines using flow cytometry and spectrofluorometry , Cytometry Part A 52A (2): 110-116, 2003 – IF 2,095

· Kalbacova M., Vrbacky M, Humlova Z, et al., Protooncogene Bcl-2 induces apoptosis in several cell lines, Folia Biologica 48 (1): 15-27, 2002 – IF 0,615