Exam General Medicine


The range of knowledge required for the examination is defined by examination questions, pathophysiology textbook, content of lectures and seminars. It is assumed that the student will acquire some knowledge by self-study, and that he/she will be able to apply the knowledge he/she gained while studying other subjects.

1. Exam quiz shall take place before the exam. The quiz includes questions from the entire academic year (winter and summer semester). The quizzes are "multiple choice" and contain 20 questions. There are one or more correct answers to each question. For each correctly answered question, you will get one point. If the question is partially answered correctly, the relevant percentage is subsumed depending on the number of correct answers. The total gain for the test is expressed as the proportion of points earned from the maximum possible number of points. There is a time of 25 minutes for the attempt. After the quiz starts, the system starts the timer. After set time, the test will automatically end if you do not finish the quiz earlier manually by yourself. The limit for completing the test is to get at least 70% of the correct answers. If the limit is not met, the student grade is classified as "insufficient" and student signs up for a corrective term. In the 1st and 2nd corrective dates, students no longer have to meet the point limit of the test. The results of the test are taken into account in the final evaluation, failure to meet the point limit may result in a significant reduction in the final grading of the exam.

The oral exam has a practical and theoretical part.

- In the practical part you will analyze one specific case report. The case report also includes one question regarding examination methods.

- In the theoretical part, you will choose three questions (one from general and two from special pathophysiology). The exam in pathological physiology is mainly focused on knowledge concerning the etiology and pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases. We also ask about the basic clinical symptoms and diagnostic procedures, but these should be interpreted in relation to the pathophysiology of specific pathological conditions. For diseases and symptoms, focus on distinguishing between causes and consequences! If the question asks you for examples, prepareat least two of them. For questions, which contains specific terms, prepare definitions of these terms.

3. Examination dates

All examination dates, including those in September, will be listed in SIS according to the schedule of the academic year.

In case of any changes in the date or time of the examination, registered students will be informed via e-mail from SIS. The number of dates to be listed in SIS will not be increased!

Student has the right for one exam date and two retake dates (total 3 terms) during the exam period. Extraordinary retake is not permitted. If the student does not use the entire exam possibilities (3 terms) within the listed terms he/she does not have the right for special examination date (Law act: SZŘ UK čl. 6, odst. 16).

Exam questions General Medicine