Publikace - Skupina proteomika
Recent selected papers (2008-2015):
Vybrané publikace z let 2008-2015:
- Lorkova L, Scigelova M, Arrey TN, Vit O, Pospisilova J, Doktorova E, Klanova M, Alam M, Vockova P, Maswabi B, Klener P Jr, Petrak J.Lorkova L, Scigelova M, Arrey TN, Vit O, Pospisilova J, Doktorova E, Klanova M, Alam M, Vockova P, Maswabi B, Klener P Jr, Petrak J. Detailed Functional and Proteomic Characterization of Fludarabine Resistance in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cells. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 18;10(8):e0135314.
- Klanova M, Lorkova L, Vit O, Maswabi B, Molinsky J, Pospisilova J, Vockova P, Mavis C, Lateckova L, Kulvait V, Vejmelkova D, Jaksa R, Hernandez F, Trneny M, Vokurka M, Petrak J, Klener P Jr. Downregulation of deoxycytidine kinase in cytarabine-resistant mantle cell lymphoma cells confers cross-resistance to nucleoside analogs gemcitabine, fludarabine and cladribine, but not to other classes of anti-lymphoma agents. Mol Cancer. 2014 Jun 27;13(1):159.
- Pospisilova J, Vit O, Lorkova L, Klanova M, Zivny J, Klener P, Petrak J Resistance to TRAIL in mantle cell lymphoma cells is associated with decreased expression of purine metabolism enzymes. Int J Mol Med. May;31(5):1273-9. 2013
- Sillerova T, Zivny J, Vyoral D, Petrak J. Nutritional hepatic iron overload is not prevented by parenteral hepcidin substitution therapy in mice. Br J Nutr. 2012 Nov;108(10):1723-5.
- Lorkova L, Pospisilova J, Lacheta J, Leahomschi S, Zivny J, Cibula D, Zivny J, Petrak J. Decreased concentrations of retinol-binding protein 4 in sera of epithelial ovarian cancer patients: a potential biomarker identified by proteomics. Oncol Rep. 2012 Feb;27(2):318-24.
- Petrak J, Pospisilova J, Sedinova M, Jedelsky P, Lorkova L, Vit O, Kolar M, Strnad H, Benes J, Sedmera D, Cervenka L, Melenovsky V. Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of heart failure due to volume overload in a rat aorto-caval fistula model provides support for new potential therapeutic targets - monoamine oxidase A and transglutaminase 2. Proteome Sci. 2011 Nov 11;9(1):69.
- Petrak J, Toman O, Simonova T, Halada P, Cmejla R, Klener P, Zivny J., Identification of molecular targets for selective elimination of TRAIL-resistant leukemia cells. From spots to in vitro assays using TOP15 charts. Proteomics. 2009 Nov;9(22):5006-15.
- Singh A, Mohan ML, Isaac AO, Luo X, Petrak J, Vyoral D, Singh N. Prion protein modulates cellular iron uptake: a novel function with implications for prion disease pathogenesis. PLoS One. 2009;4(2):e4468.
- Peslova G, Petrak J, Kuzelova K, Hrdy I, Halada P, Kuchel PW, Soe-Lin, S, Ponka P, Sutak R, Becker E, Huang ML, Rahmanto YS, Richardson DR, Vyoral D., Hepcidin, the hormone of iron metabolism, is bound specifically to alpha-2-macroglobulin in blood. Blood. 2009 Jun 11;113(24):6225-36.
- Petrak J, Ivanek R, Toman O, Cmejla R, Cmejlova J, Vyoral D, Zivny J, Vulpe CD. Déja vu in proteomics. A hit parade of repeatedly identified differentially expressed proteins. Proteomics 2008, 8(9):1744-9.